Three tips for keeping more money in your neighborhood.

Three tips for keeping more money in your neighborhood.

The old saying, “Cherish what you have, before it’s gone” is true in love, but also true in business. If you don’t spend money where you live, the companies closest to you will either go out of business or move to where the money is.

It’s unfortunate that within some industries there will not be an urban owned establishment to support. When that is the case you should to pick a company that is rooted close to where you live. All companies pay taxes and city lawmakers give a lot of attention to the areas sending in the most money.

Here’s three tips to help keep some of our money from driving across town.

  1. Purchase gas at the station closest to you. If you plan to never let your gas gauge drop below a quarter of a tank, you should always have enough to make it back to your “home” gas station.
  2. Buy groceries from the grocery store closest to you. If the store doesn’t have an item you need, request it and offer to order or pay in advance.
  3. Eat at the restaurants near your home and tip the server well. Many times these servers have kids that go to school with your children. Tipping at 15% or higher helps put clothes on those kids backs and food on their table.